When you Deal with CaseCandy (Casecandy.in) it becomes our sole responsibility to protect your investment each time. We will extend our helping hand in the following ways.
  • If your order is placed by mistake or has decided to change or cancel it, You can contact us immediately before the item gets shipped out from our warehouse. As a result, We will issue a full refund immediately, back into your Bank Account.
  • In case, If the Order has already been shipped from our end to your Delivery Address, We request you to not open the package on receiving it, and you may return the same to us within 48 hours of receiving it, Please Note: In this case, the Bank Processing fees, service charges, and shipping charges will be deducted from the Order Amount during Refund.
  • If you have received an order that is significantly different from what you have ordered or is “Dead on Arrival” (D.O.A) We will be happy to provide a replacement immediately, and will also cover return shipping charges, if any.
  • Please note that screen protectors, tempered glasses, etc once installed cannot be replaced or refunded once you have used the product. If broken on arrival are covered under D.O.A. (Dead on Arrival)policy.
  • We have a 7day replacement policy (from delivery date )for products under warranty, if there be any manufacturing defect. This excludes screen protectors and UV tempered glasses. Please note Warranty Policy does cover any physical or Cosmetic Damage caused to a mobile, tablet or laptop during the course of its usage.
It will be our persistent attempt as always to make your every transaction, Purchase easy and memorable, we need you to be sure when you make a buy at www.casecandy.in